A healthy gut is crucial for keeping your body in good condition and shape. You’d be surprised how many daily discomforts are triggered by gut problems.
Read MoreDo you have a hard time skipping a meal? Have you gained weight recently? Love handles perhaps? Do you often crave sweets? Is your energy at an all-time low? If yes, chances are you‘re developing a sugar addiction.
Read MoreDo you wish you could just stay home, eat chocolate and lie in bed all day? Are you working out like crazy and not seeing any results? Do your boobs hurt like hell? Oh dear, it sounds like your hormones bouncing around and messing with your systems!
Read MoreMost smoothies spike blood sugar levels. But combined with plant-powered protein, healthy fats, and fibres, you’ll get the perfect balance between healthy & delicious.
Read MoreAs long as your hormones are out of whack, you won’t be able to lose any weight. Here’s how to restore balance and reach lasting results.
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Laura van de Vorst
Laura van de Vorst is a certified functional nutritionist, hormone expert, women’s health biohacker, entrepreneur and speaker. Her message - that women can naturally free themselves from suffering anchored in hormonal imbalances - has empowered thousands of women across the globe to take back their life and activate their wildest dreams.